Labor Relevance

Some forecasts show that for Colombia, between 1996 and 2010, there will be a net growth of 600,000 new employees in the labor force. The relevance or harmony between education and labor needs to start by proper teacher training.

Higher-education institutions cannot complete their task through just the delivery of a diploma. They have to contribute to helping the graduate to enter the labor market. In several programs it will be mandatory for universities to prepare students to become entrepreneurs.

I propose the following:

1. Involve universities in the productive activity.

How we will do it?

1. We will demand that every university provide public and certified information on the labor success of its graduates. Academic programs that increase practice periods at companies or the study of theory and performance will be awarded with scholarships for master's degrees and doctorate degrees and, in different cases, with incentives to develop research projects.

2. We will include the corresponding undergraduate programs to companies' incubators to stimulate corporate creativity among students. The incubators that allow universities in will be supported by the fund for small and medium businesses.

3. We will increase the sale of consulting services at public universities and we will commit them to manage the execution of projects that win on confidence by the entrepreneurial community where teachers and students are involved.