Education sector management

- Reinforcing service management at the Ministry of Education.
- Strengthening information technology management.
- Modernizing affiliate or related entities.
- Modernizing education departments at provinces, cities and municipalities.
- Reinforce management at education departments.
- Communication for social participation and mobilization.
- Modernizing management at higher education institutions.
- Follow-up and monitoring of higher education subsector.

Policy Description Policy Goal Purpose of the Project
The group of actions related to the care or protection and education or development of the early childhood which seeks to meet essential needs to preserve life, such as those that have relation with comprehensive development regarding children's characteristics, needs and interests. Generating timely and pertinent education processes from needs, interests and characteristics of children between zero and five years of age in order to favor significant learning that promote their comprehensive development within the concept of a child as person in constant human perfectioning.
Expanding education coverage by paying special attention to the most vulnerable population as a mechanism to grant higher equity at providing the education service. Gross coverage rate of 100% in basic education.
  • Providing opportunities for the most vulnerable population to access the education system.
  • Promoting strategies to make students stay in the education system.
  • Granting access to basic and high-school education by means of the expansion and improvement of the education infrastructure.
  • Granting access and permanence of illiterate young and adult population to the formal education system.
Granting loans to students of low-income families, encouraging the use of new methodologies and technology to strengthen technical and technological institutions in coordination with Sena. Expanding coverage to up to 320,000 new places in higher education.
  • Reinforcing the resources to grant an income to high-school students and permanence of those students in higher education.
  • Promoting, along with higher education institutions, positive actions oriented to foster permanence of students in the higher education system, thus augmenting capacity to monitor and implement strategies to reduce dropout rates.
  • Supporting the implementation of new pertinent programs for the regions in the use of new methodologies, technologies and alternate strategies in order to expand coverage for higher education.
Supporting regional entities and education institutions in their processes of institutional improvement oriented to accomplishing that students obtain better results in their basic and labor competences and citizen values. Establishing improvement plans based on the results of evaluations and spread their results.
Evaluate the performance of both teachers and teacher-directors.
  • Stating and socializing quality referents among all education community players and reinforcing their understanding in regional entities to orient the sector's education processes.
  • Fostering evaluation culture among all education community in such a manner that sector's authorities, students, teachers, directors and parents may accomplish adequate levels of knowledge, interpretation, and realization of different analysis and the potential use of students, teachers and institutions' self evaluation results to contribute to the improvement of quality.
  • Reinforcing management prowess of education departments and education establishments with an inclusive service approach.
  • Improving early childhood and permanent education for institutional strengthening.
  • Consolidating and promoting sustainability of the programs from the design, validation, adjustment and transference of policy guidelines and pedagogical orientation that allow for the development of basic and citizen competences, according to local and regional contexts.
Supporting higher education institutions regarding their processes and institutional and management improvement to grant students the development of professional, labor and citizen competences that contribute to increase the principles of democracy, coexistence and solidarity. Definition and socialization of quality standards.
Establishing improvement plans based on evaluation results and spreading of such results.
Evaluate students.
  • Granting that 100% of the higher education programs offer complies with quality conditions and that it undergoes constant improvement processes.
  • Articulate the education system around the development of basic competences that are pertinent to human development and productive work.
  • Supporting and promoting the implementation of strategies that lead to the improvement of the education service quality and the encouragement of research and innovation.
  • Granting that both programs and education institutions for work and human development comply with the basic conditions and quality technical norms.
Making it possible for the education system to build up the required human resource to augment the country's productivity and make it more competitive in a global environment. Adapting the education system in such a way that it may be able to respond to the demands and needs of students, society and the productive sector. Articulate all teaching levels around the continuous development of labor competences necessary to improve the employment conditions of both high-school graduates and professionals, as well as the country's competitiveness.
  • Promoting the development of competences that increase the people's competitiveness and the country's productivity as part of national education policy.
  • Promoting that the higher education program offer builds up a better trained human capital that matches the region's economic vocation and society's requirements.
  • Facilitating the access to Colombian higher education in an international context and generating adequate conditions of academic mobility and granting international quality.
  • Promoting the training of citizens capable of communicating in English in such a way that they may bring to the country the processes of universal communication as well as global economy and cultural aperture with internationally comparable standards.
  • Fostering pedagogical use of new technologies within teachers and students' processes and the improvement of education institutions and, in general, improvement of everyday life for the country's education community.
Modernizing the administration and management of the sectors at the national, regional and municipal level. Reorganizing the regulation system of higher education to strengthen the abilities of design, implementation and evaluation of policy, modernizing the institutional structures, the administrative and operational procedures so that it may be possible to obtain better results in terms of coverage and granting productivity, efficiency and transparency improvement, and ensuring the quality of the expenditure and investment at national, regional and municipal levels. Reinforcing the technical and operations capacity of the Ministry of National Education. Fostering decentralization of entities affiliated to the sector. Modernizing certified education departments. Creating management models for the operation of noncertified education departments. Implementing the information system countrywide and locally. In terms of higher education, modernizing the management of the education sector at national, regional and municipal levels, as well as institutional structures, management and operation procedures, and supervision and incentive systems to obtain better results in terms of coverage and quality.
  • Increasing customer and MEN's users' satisfaction levels
  • Strengthening technology management to improve systems, operation and technology services that the Ministry of Education (MEN) offers its users to allow the management use of information systems as a tool for decision making and operations.
  • Making it possible for the affiliated or sector-related entities to be NTC GP 1000 certified at the end of the term.
  • Modernizing certified education departments in terms of components for processes, information systems, extracurricular activities, people and culture.
  • Reinforcing education departments in terms of management, administration and human teaching resource development to improve the education service.
  • Positioning education as a strategic subject in the agenda of communication media, opinion sectors and citizens.
  • In terms of economy, support modernization of education entities that promote the efficient use of human, physical and financial resources, as well as the strengthening of its management.
  • Reinforcing the management of efficient and transparent use of higher education resources.